Now, Know Your Value ,Be you - Ultimate Excellence

Now, Know Your Value

Now, Know Your Value and The Risk of Self-pity and self-disapproval

These two end up killing both the body and the soul. Many people, especially the youth refuse to accept themselves, accept their parents, their learning institutions and even their friends. They never appreciate what is within their life. They don’t value themselves. They don’t value those around them. They end up having life without value.

When one fails to have self-esteem that he can make it, then he will be reluctant to try out anything because of the fear of failing. These kinds of people have already fixed their destiny; they have already concluded who they are even before they know who they are. They take all that is good in themselves and in others foNow, Know Your Value - Ultimate Excellencer granted. Ignorance makes them feel useless and empty.

Most of the people who have succeeded in life and those who can be called men and women of value are full of self-respect. They are not moved by mistreatment, not configured by their environment and they are always optimistic. It is a reality that if you think you can, you will surely manage but if you think you can’t then you will certainly not make anything out of yourself.

Love for yourself, should not depend on what you have or what you don’t have because it is purely unconditional. Unless you learn to be contented in life and being happy and joyful in what your life offers as you cultivate for more, you will always have a mood of contempt and hatred towards your own life.

Now, Know Your Value and create happiness; you don’t buy it

Remember that only God, is above you when it comes to the control of your life. People may not be willing to share their happiness with you, but God will position you where you will have it in abundance. Happiness is not found, it is created! You have to Now, Know Your Value and create yours.

Happiness is not absence of tribulations and horrible things in life; it is when you love yourself and trust that God has you in His hands-You are in His program.No one is in charge of your happiness except you. Be happy about your life and rejoice that you have a great future to experience; otherwise no one is interesteNow, Know Your Value, happiness- Ultimate Excellenced in that.

Material happiness is just like a filthy, polluted river because it is a mere reflection of the TRUE happiness in the spiritual world. We can never achieve the happiness we are looking for no matter how hard we endeavor in material life. Instead we should look upwards, toward God, who is the source of real happiness, and stop chasing after the reflection of this happiness in the material world. This spiritual happiness is the only thing that can satisfy us completely.

Storm Jameson once said “Happiness comes from the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life and to be needed. The way to happiness is to keep your heart free from hate and your mind from worry”. Live simply, expect little, and give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self, think of others. Do things the way they should be done. As the golden rule goes: Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Show respect to those who deserve and to those who don’t deserve, it from you-this makes the difference. Happiness is born when a difference is made.

Excerpt from Fashioned for Life by Samuel Kanja , Trainer,Life Coach & Author

The Golden Questions of Life - Ultimate Excellence

The Golden Questions of Life

Fashioned for Life Book Cover Fashioned for Life
Neno Publishers
Auditing Your Life Account
The Question Of Life

The Golden Questions of Life

When you answer the questions of life; Who you are? What you are? Why you are? Which you are? When you are? Where you are? And how you are? Then you will have fulfilled your responsibility as an auditor.

One of The Golden Questions of Life is – Who you are?

This question expects you to clearly find out what gives you that identity that people use to refer to you. It is what gives you identification as a person without referring to other people or being compared with them. Your name is part of the answer.

What you are?

Remember, worth and value are not wrapped up in what you do. You are not a human doing. You are a human being. It is not what we do in life that sustains our value and status but it is what we remain or become under severe and challenging circumstances.

Here you are required to know ‘what is that special thing that makes you unique among other creatures? ‘The rational nature of human beings which makes them think is what is expected to be identified. The idea of common sense will feature out. By knowing what you are, you will be driven towards thinking like a human being and you will avoid some character which doesn’t fit in what you are.

Everyone should look back and evaluate what has happened. As you make plans to be a better person, don’t be too excited to forget that no one should live by the early bird policy without finding out whether he classifies as a bird or a worm. Knowing if you are a bird or a worm is what makes the difference. This will create balance between your past and your future.

Why you are?

This is the most noble and essential question you can ever ask yourself. In an earlier chapter, we talked about ones definite purpose. Knowing the reason behind your life is all what you need to understand in this case. You must clearly outline what you want to accomplish by the time you finish your race on earth. You must know the type of race you are undertaking. The God-given purpose should be in your heart for reference whenever you want to do something.

Which you are?

It is always common that many people would be confused with others because of their physical appearance, character, personality and other factors. In the same way, if you don’t do things in your uniqueness, originality and you copy what others are doing, you may be unlucky to be confused with others because The Golden Questions of Life - Ultimate Excellencethere is no difference between your life and theirs. Your life should never be identical to others because you are specifically created for defined reasons. You should therefore know which kind of a person you are among others. Do things in such a manner that you will be easily distinguished from others.

When you are?

Many times, we fail to behave according to what we believe, our principle, and the morality because we are in different times. Some people would be in the camp of God during the day but at night, they run to the other side for ‘security’. Others would be religious on Sundays and during retreats but after that, in their homes, workplaces and other social gatherings during the weekdays, they can be confused with the devil himself. You should be the same person at all times if you want to please God. What makes you change with time like the moon? Learn to do good in all times and your greatness will last forever.

Where you are?

The place where we are at different times affects our life in the manner that we behave according to where we are. People will be very good when they are in the church, with their families, with casual friends and with other kinds of people. They dramatically become worse when they change the environment. Most people are affected by what surrounds them, their character and life in general is dependent on who is looking at them. They forget that wherever they are, God’s presence is not limited. You should always avoid being a totally different person when you move from one place to another. Your life should be independent of what is in your vicinity especially if there is no positive gain to it. Why should you change your ways, just because, what is around you has changed like a chameleon?

How you are?

This is an interesting and intelligent question in life. The formation, growth and nourishment of your life starts with this question. You must clearly know how your life is so that you get to know what step to take, which direction to move and what you need to move on. The more you answer this question frequently, the more your life improves. You need to understand all that your life entails. By doing this, you will know where you have been strong, and how you can even improve more. You also get to know your weak points and you can correct the mistakes before the consequences can erupt. Make sure the answer to this question is followed by ‘SO WHAT?’ Don’t just answer the ‘how’; know what to do after that. Devise new ways to avoid the same results you have been getting. Your life would not mind if you adopt a new style!

The Golden Questions of Life are personal questions which only an individual can answer. The answers to these questions can change your life from a miserable state to a life full of true happiness, prosperity, greatness and Gods favor. Don’t let ignorance snatch this opportunity to revise the syllabus of your life. It may be the only one in store for you. Making a difference depends on us. It involves a conscious decision to do something positive and constructive with our lives. And that decision requires knowledge of self. To arrive at that knowledge we have to ask other examples of the golden questions of life as: What are my abilities? What are my interests? What are my basic beliefs? Who, really, am I? Why am I here?

By Samuel Kanja

Excerpt from his book, Fashioned for Life

8 tips to writing a killer subtitle for your book

8 tips to writing a killer subtitle for your book.

One of the things people tell me often about my book Start is that they like the subtitle. If you haven’t seen it before, the subtitle is, “Punch fear in the face, escape average and do work that matters.”

How did we come up with it? How do you create your own subtitle for a non-fiction book you’re writing? How do you avoid the common mistakes that can hurt this process?

Here are 8 tips to writing a killer subtitle:

  1. Never write a “rescue subtitle.”
    The best subtitle will never be able to rescue a bad title. Never ask your subtitle to carry the burden of fixing or saving the title. Don’t be lazy. Subtitles are often easier to write than titles, but don’t skip dinner just to get to dessert. Add an amazing subtitle to an already amazing title.
  2. Get the rhythm right.
    Initially I wanted the subtitle for Start to be, “Escape average, do work that matters and punch fear in the face.” I felt like having the fear part last added some emphasis to the point. I was dead wrong. You know who fixed it? Dave Ramsey. He pointed out that the rhythm was backwards. He said that the first thing you have to do in life is punch fear, not the last thing. His simple switch changed the entire flow of the subtitle in a great way.
  3. Speak to your audience.
    Often your audience is trying to quickly scan your book and decide it’s not for them. In the subtitle you have a single moment to convince them that this is the best book in the airport for them to buy. Do that by directly speaking to their needs. For instance, I helped a friend with his subtitle for his business book by speaking to the profit his book would help companies increase. Previously we’d both missed the need to speak to that direct issue which businesses are interested in.
  4. Flip it upside down if it helps.
    If you look at the cover of Start, you will notice that the subtitle comes before title. We did this on purposimages (4)e because we felt like “Start.” was the perfect punctuation to the promise of the subtitle. We even added a period to make that point clearer. A guy named Preston Cannon pointed this out and it was a great call on his part.
  5. Don’t use a subtitle you don’t want to talk about.
    If you ever get to do media about your book, one of the biggest things they will talk about is your subtitle. They will ask you direct questions like, “What do you mean by punch fear in the face?” Make sure you are comfortable with talking about those ideas or words for a long time.
  6. Study other people.
    You’re not the first person ever writing a subtitle. Research other people in your space and see how they did it. If you look at books by Chris Guillebeau, Tim Ferriss and Michael Hyatt, you can definitely see they influenced my subtitle.
  7. Exhibit progression.
    Depending on the type of book you write, it can be good to show a sense of progression in your subtitle. What’s the promise of where you will take me if I read this book? That’s why the subtitle of my book Quitter was, “Closing the gap between your day job & your dream job.” There was a clear sense of the before and after this book offered. A guy named Brent Cole came up with that subtitle.
  8. Be willing to go without.
    Although a subtitle usually amplifies a title, there will be some cases where you don’t need one. For my first book, that was the case. We spent weeks on it before realizing there wasn’t a need at all for one.

An 8-point list feels like it is woefully missing two points, but I didn’t want to fake two more points just to get to 10.

Article by Jon Acuff (