10 Effective Steps to Deal with Difficult Changes for Excellence
10 Effective Steps to Deal with Difficult Changes for Excellence
1. Avoid seeing change as all about yourself. Do not always take change personal, especially when others are involved. People are dynamic and different; be ready to accommodate them in the change process.
2. Instead of viewing change as a major upheaval, see it as a challenge with solutions. Ensure a shared vision towards the change process. It can cause more harm than good if you not explained well before implementation.
3. Realize that changes often are temporary and cyclic. One change leads to the need of another one. Do not fall on the trap of always being on the change mode or never thinking of more change…find an equilibrium.
4. Adjust to the altered landscape without sacrificing the quality of your work. Appreciate change within change. Not many things, if any, are cast on stone.
5. If necessary, do some new power mapping to find other paths toward your goals. Have a way out if circumstances change. Keep thinking along and accept new ideas.
6. Always stay positive so you can maintain an upbeat attitude. Negativity will bring you and your team down. Celebrate small wins. Handle loses quickly.
7. “Challenge your assumptions from a position of strength.” Avoid biased beliefs and skewed conventional thinking about change. Be your number one critic.
8. Keep in mind that it is about quality of change not the time and resources used in the process…quality vs quantity. 20% change may lead to 80% of post change results.
9. Admit other reliable and independently minded people into your “circle of influence” to help you solve problems. Sycophancy may fail you.
10. Seek alternatives if you’re thwarted. Do not leaving a changing process hanging. Don’t give up at the middle!
Samuel Kanja
Certified Life Coach | Lead Trainer & Consultant
Ultimate Excellence Ltd
Unleashing the Best in You