Now, Know Your Value ,Be you - Ultimate Excellence

Now, Know Your Value

Now, Know Your Value and The Risk of Self-pity and self-disapproval

These two end up killing both the body and the soul. Many people, especially the youth refuse to accept themselves, accept their parents, their learning institutions and even their friends. They never appreciate what is within their life. They don’t value themselves. They don’t value those around them. They end up having life without value.

When one fails to have self-esteem that he can make it, then he will be reluctant to try out anything because of the fear of failing. These kinds of people have already fixed their destiny; they have already concluded who they are even before they know who they are. They take all that is good in themselves and in others foNow, Know Your Value - Ultimate Excellencer granted. Ignorance makes them feel useless and empty.

Most of the people who have succeeded in life and those who can be called men and women of value are full of self-respect. They are not moved by mistreatment, not configured by their environment and they are always optimistic. It is a reality that if you think you can, you will surely manage but if you think you can’t then you will certainly not make anything out of yourself.

Love for yourself, should not depend on what you have or what you don’t have because it is purely unconditional. Unless you learn to be contented in life and being happy and joyful in what your life offers as you cultivate for more, you will always have a mood of contempt and hatred towards your own life.

Now, Know Your Value and create happiness; you don’t buy it

Remember that only God, is above you when it comes to the control of your life. People may not be willing to share their happiness with you, but God will position you where you will have it in abundance. Happiness is not found, it is created! You have to Now, Know Your Value and create yours.

Happiness is not absence of tribulations and horrible things in life; it is when you love yourself and trust that God has you in His hands-You are in His program.No one is in charge of your happiness except you. Be happy about your life and rejoice that you have a great future to experience; otherwise no one is interesteNow, Know Your Value, happiness- Ultimate Excellenced in that.

Material happiness is just like a filthy, polluted river because it is a mere reflection of the TRUE happiness in the spiritual world. We can never achieve the happiness we are looking for no matter how hard we endeavor in material life. Instead we should look upwards, toward God, who is the source of real happiness, and stop chasing after the reflection of this happiness in the material world. This spiritual happiness is the only thing that can satisfy us completely.

Storm Jameson once said “Happiness comes from the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life and to be needed. The way to happiness is to keep your heart free from hate and your mind from worry”. Live simply, expect little, and give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self, think of others. Do things the way they should be done. As the golden rule goes: Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Show respect to those who deserve and to those who don’t deserve, it from you-this makes the difference. Happiness is born when a difference is made.

Excerpt from Fashioned for Life by Samuel Kanja , Trainer,Life Coach & Author

The Hard Beautiful Lessons of Life - Ultimate Excellence

The Hard Beautiful Lessons of Life

The Hard Beautiful Lessons of Life
Learning only makes life more tolerable!
Unless we learn some the hard beautiful lessons of life, we might remain ignorant and always in perpetual conflicts.
Co-existing with people and managing things is not among the easiest of tasks. Also, it is not an art or a science that we can learn and be OK. Life changes. People change. Things mutate! If we are to get the best out of life and for life, we must seek to own the unshakable lessons.
These lessons are more inherently acquired or spiritually possessed. It’s life free air which we MUST breathe. Them being there for free do not mean we all have them or they are valueless. The actually mean so much.
These lessons are what the theology calls the works of mercy ()spiritual. They are however not only spiritual; but also moral.
The Hard Beautiful Lessons of Life are:
  1. Counsel the doubtful-Nothing is as hard as encouraging others-this is because The Hard Beautiful Lessons of Life - Ultimate Excellenceno one is fully, 100% encouraged! We all have a gap. In other thing we are Ok, in another we are empty! Encouragers also need to be uplifted.
  2. Instructing the Ignorant-This requires patience and more so bundles of wisdom. To be ignorant is to avoid good for bad, avoid known for unknown and make conclusions where only questions are required.
  3. Admonish Sinners-Who is not a sinner to admonish sinners? None is rightfully righteously . We are all in search of grace but that is no excuse not to tell a brother or sister that they are in the wrong! We are also called to be ready to be admonished. We must not be the OTHER thief on the cross.
  4. Comfort the Afflicted-It is hard to be in these peoples’ shoes. Its sometimes too painful to try it. It fails at times. However, we must seek to bring bold smiles on the afflicted and tribulation-filled souls. They are many and wThe Hard Beautiful Lessons of Life - Ultimate Excellencee must start with our neighbors. It was rough during Jesus times, even now it shall be!
  5. Forgive Offences-This is the HARDEST of all lessons man can learn. It has no manual. None is an expert but through grace and consciousness of our own shortcomings, forgiveness can turn to be the most treasured lifestyle! We have all sinned 70X70 times but we ain’t ready to forgive even 7X7. WHY?
  6. Bear Wrongs Patiently-Patience defines a wo(man). If you don’t ensure in life, what is that you can get? Hope is tagged on this! Dreams and goals can only be got with time. Understanding others, ourselves and the society without unnecessary condemnation is paramount. We might not like total tolerance, but when we seek to dig deeper and mitigate the effects of wrongs growing like water lilies, we become victors.
  7. Pray for the Living & the Dead-We must seek to petition for others. Sometimes, self-prayer does not work as perfectly good as one from another soul. Praying for others is the highest degree and definition of charity and generosity. Praying for a dead soul is a holy submission that we dont know the ways of God and routes of grace.
Therefore, lets all strive to get to that heightened standing to realize the ‘TO-DOs’ in our living, else, life will turn sour or just tasteless.
By Samuel