Parents…You have life as well…

Samuel Kanja
Samuel Kanja


With the numbers of SAD parents and HAPPY children rising EXPONENTIALLY, Parents must NORMALIZE some basics of SELF-CARE.

Modern Parents must NORMALIZE taking care of themselves as they take care of their children. Neglecting self-care consciously or unconsciously WILL NOT bring the best outcome in the dynamic and challenging parenting journey.

Missing life to make a life can turn out as a zero sum game if anything goes against ones expectations - this happens often when children whose parents have given them their all fail to IMPRESS and end up being a bother when they should be offering support or at least independent.

It is a misconception that parents can only start having  a fulfilled life after they are done with parenting - does parenting even end? Many think that parenting ends after launching out or weaning the 'kids' - but not at all! It just takes a different look, and demands different approach. Parenting can or is a lifetime task.

A balance between building the self and raising great children is doable! It can be done but it must be intentional and very tactical because it is not easy due to the social and mental expectations.

Effective Parenting ought to be part of a parent's lifestyle! One does not need to stop living his or her GOOD life because they are Parenting- these are not mutually exclusive processes.

Parents MUST respond positively, proportionately and aptly to their physical, emotional, social, mental, spiritual and professional needs without feeling like they are doing a big wrong or injustice to their children. And remember, today's child demands the wants and the needs, and the attention. This can be draining and bring a sorry state of things for the parents- some have felt eternally inadequate to their children neediness. Scare the FEAR and start the BALANCE. Be good to self not too HARD self - you the engine and if it stops, much stops.

Brokenness in parent(s) can have a ripple effect on the children or / and easily turn families dysfunctional! Today, I have witnessed many parents who have stopped living to make their children live...and from a counselling point of view, this may cause more harm than good because emotionally and mentally broken parent has a high likelihood of raising weak children. A physically weak parent is at risk of making the child his or her caretaker prematurely. Your body is your garden. Sacrifice is great but too much unnecessary sacrifice will live you without more to give.

Be strong! Be Empowered! Be Resilient...And raise your odds of witnessing your kids success - (Holding factors constant)

Be responsible with self.

Be kind to self.

Be your greatest friend.

Cheer yourself up.

Keep refreshing yourself.

Equip yourself for life's hard tackles.

Seek help if need be.

Better light a candle than curse darkness. Do that little thing for yourself as a parent. It makes a huge difference.

Quick reminders:

  • There is joy in parenting.
  • Parenting is not for cowards.
  • Parenting is not a natural process; it is a choice.
  • Parenting is hard, not the gravity's free fall.
  • Parenting is a unique task with no mandatory manual.

So, RELAX and do it!

Truly, you really have to love yourself to get ANYTHING done in this world - Love for self makes everything fall in line.


 ©️ Samuel Kanja

Psychologist & Life Coach

0729 368 307

12 Parenting Mistakes Parents Must Watch Out For!

12 Parenting Mistakes Parents Must Watch Out For! Book Cover 12 Parenting Mistakes Parents Must Watch Out For!
Samuel Kanja

12 PARENTING Mistakes to WATCH OUT for...

Neglecting to Fix Problems - failing to act when most appropriate just makes the issues overwhelming and creates Parenting emergencies. Do not wait for a message (red flag) to be a mess for you to get into action. Parenting is a connected process that demands a flow.

Not Understanding that Every Child is Different - failure to identify the unique qualities of every child may lead to over reliant on ineffective approaches. An intervention can work for one but fail with another. The issue sometimes is not the method but the subject.

Over Protection and Providing Without Prudence - children need care but that care must not make the parent carefree. Every action ought to be objectively moderated. Overprotection can turn into unconscious abuse.

Losing Control too Early - a balance of control and authority is needed to avoid the extremes of authoritarian or permissive parenting styles. Adopting authoritative style increases the odds of having secure, responsible and much resilient children.

Having NO Boundaries - parents need to create functional and healthy boundaries aimed at creating a conducive environment of growth and development. Lack of this may lead to toxic parenting which denies children the space to be, belong and become. Be the great parent, great friendship will follow.

Being Disorganised and Inconsistent - order is very important in parenting as it helps inculcate responsibility and accountability. Lack of it can lead to over entitlement and looseness of behaviour. Family rules bring forth family values. Do not keep becoming perennially unpredictable in your way of parenting - it can be confusing.

Being the Source of Discouragement - children rely on their parent's affirmations even when they are not consciously mature to demand for it. When the opposite happens, then self-esteem and confidence is adulterated - this leads to lost sense of self and identity crisis.

Shame-filled Bad Manners - when parents directly do what is disrespectful in front of their children, it creates unwanted shitty values that are not easily reversible. Children will tend to convince themselves that if mom or dad are doing this, what's wrong with me doing it? Keep your filth away from your children.

Not Dealing with Sibling Rivalry - when children become fighters in the house, it destroys the core of the family subsystems and divides the attention as well as weakening the synergy that would help them be interdependent emotionally, socially and mentally.

Unrealistic Expectations - having no expectations, little expectations or exaggerated expectations can lead to complacency, laziness and emotional fatigue respectively. Expectations ought to be matched to a particular child with a goal to both support and challenge them within their ability and capacity.

Absence or Undependable Presence - Children yearn for quality time with their parents or guardians. One’s presence must be reliable and useful else the quantity of time spent may not be of any influence. Be there and let every moment count.

Not Showing the Way - As a parent, most likely you got to become what you are because your parents showed you the way...why not do the same without reservations to your children. Show them the way to spirituality, relationships, careers, good living, savings, investments and value based education...your luck may not be their luck.

©️Samuel Kanja

Life Coach & Counselling Psychologist


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10 Effective Steps- Ultimate Excellence

10 Effective Steps to Deal with Difficult Changes for Excellence

10 Effective Steps to Deal with Difficult Changes for Excellence

1. Avoid seeing change as all about yourself. Do not always take change personal, especially when others are involved. People are dynamic and different; be ready to accommodate them in the change process.

2. Instead of viewing change as a major upheaval, see it as a challenge with solutions. Ensure a shared vision towards the change process. It can cause more harm than good if you not explained well before implementation.

3. Realize that changes often are temporary and cyclic. One change leads to the need of another one. Do not fall on the trap of always being on the change mode or never thinking of more change…find an equilibrium. 10 Effective Steps to Deal with Difficult Changes for Excellence - Ultimate Excellence

4. Adjust to the altered landscape without sacrificing the quality of your work. Appreciate change within change. Not many things, if any, are cast on stone.

5. If necessary, do some new power mapping to find other paths toward your goals. Have a way out if circumstances change. Keep thinking along and accept new ideas.

6. Always stay positive so you can maintain an upbeat attitude. Negativity will bring you and your team down. Celebrate small wins. Handle loses quickly.

7. “Challenge your assumptions from a position of strength.” Avoid biased beliefs and skewed conventional thinking about change. Be your number one critic.

8. Keep in mind that it is about quality of change not the time and resources used in the process…quality vs quantity. 20% change may lead to 80% of post change results.

9. Admit other reliable and independently minded people into your “circle of influence” to help you solve problems. Sycophancy may fail you.

10. Seek alternatives if you’re thwarted. Do not leaving a changing process hanging. Don’t give up at the middle!
Samuel Kanja

Certified Life Coach | Lead Trainer & Consultant

Ultimate Excellence Ltd


Unleashing the Best in You

7 A’s of Transformation

7 A’s of Transformation

Are you in a situation that you feel uneasy about and you are wondering how to overcome it and come out better?

Find below a 7- Step Process that you can engage:

7 A's of TransformationAnalyse

Evaluate yourself deeply and honestly. Find how things are? How big is the problem? How did it get there?


Agree that things are that way. Avoid trivializing the situation more denying it.

List the options you have. What can be done? Have the alternatives outlined in order of effectiveness & efficiency.

Make the right changes. Take action. Execute what has higher potential to work.

Even the least change can be painful. Change can make you uneasy. Get used to the change, even when hard, keep going.

Progress positively. Persist. Be consistent. Move on to another level. Do not stagnate. Accelerate your actions.

Transformation is a choice and is a process.

It requires courage, commitment, discipline and clear focus.

Samuel Kanja

Life Coach & Author 

Navigating Through Covid- 19

Navigating Through Covid- 19 Crisis Purposefully

Navigating Through Covid- 19 Crisis Purposefully

We believe in being there post this pandemic! The BIG question is: How shall you be? How will it have changed you or your life? Is there a way to guard yourself from extreme negative impact on your life? I hereby recommend:

7 Basic Behaviours & Habits of Navigating Through Covid- 19

1. Take care of your mental health.

Consciously manage the anxieties, fears and negative feelings. Do not over think …and remember, life has always been uncertain! It is your responsibility to take care of yourself through self love & self care.

2. Be objectively positive.

Try looking at your life in a new & bold perspective that brings assurance rather than defeat, hope rather than discouragement, comfort and calm rather than discomfort. Try picking up every positive thing around you. It means much now.

3. Manage your resources well.

This will help you avoid unnecessary financially related worries . If you are in lack and in need, PLEASE speak out. Remember, its not always how much you have but how best you use it…make your little your much.

4. Keep busy & manage your time well.

A hard call indeed but try. Be in action. You may not be going to work or you working from home, just avoid unnecessary idle time. Read! Write! Explore new ideas. Realize quickly that now you have time but you must cultivate commitment.

5. Reflect & meditate on your life.

So much noise has been there since you were born. You may have never examined your life deeply by asking the hard questions that your mind turns away from, fearing to face reality. Ask them today – unmask yNavigating Through Covid- 19ourself. Think about who you have been…and what you can do to be better! Recreate yourself.

6. Remain calm, determined & of good courage.

What a favourable time to give up on yourself? Your family? Your job? Your education? Refuse discouragement. Refuse to give up or give in. Stand firm & guard your values and principles. The storm is not bigger than your God. Nothing defeats him.

7. Keep your relationships & networks.

When all are worried & social distance is limiting movement, it is easy to forget that relative, that friend, that colleague, that boss, that client, that soulmate…Do not cut the links. Keep in touch when you can…even if its a call, an SMS , a WhatsApp… Be in touch. We will need each other after this ( or in this).

May you find peace, strength and comfort to remain steadfast in this time.

Remember, Better Light a Candle than Curse Darkness. Nothing defeats the Lord. I beseech you to guard your faith.

© Samuel Kanja

Life Coach & Author




Work-life balance can be seen as an optimal integration of various life aspects in anticipation of getting the best out of an individual’s engagement.  It has a way of determining the productivity, morale and satisfaction levels.

  • Work life balance should actually be referred to as work-life equilibrium or work-life harmony
  • Work is part of life and life has many other components such as family, talents, leisure, investments, spirituality, relationships etc. Having a priority list of these component is the first step towards having a sense of work-life balanceWORK-LIFE BALANCE
  • Work-life balance starts with self -awareness around ones ability, value system and belief system.
  • Value system in this context means: what is this that gives you genuine satisfaction and defines your success. On this, one must honest and very honest.
  • Work life balance is not only beneficial to employees; it does good to both employer and employees.
10 Basic Principles about Work-Life Balance:
  1. It is personal; it is only an individual who can access themselves and conclude if they have a balance or not
  2. It is a moving target; it keeps changing in form and in nature. It is always work in progress. It cannot be achieved in an event. It is a PROCESS.
  3. It starts with knowing what one needs, wants and what they value. The balance is all about creating quality time for what one ought to do or loves doing or others expects them to do..and having the feeling of attainment.
  4. It obeys very few rules but feeds on beliefs. It is not about setting strict rules, schedules and timelines; it is all about being a lifestyle that one does not struggle to live in. Once in a while, flexibility should substitute strictness. Entertain an overlap of events; do not live life in very disintegrated stages where you choose to do one thing and not any other; you may loose on one and that may be irreversible. Balance is key.
  5. It thrives on objectivity; ensure that you are real, you care for others, you know the consequences of your actions and avoid retrogressive unconscious bias in your actions. Ensure that your state of work life balance does not unnecessarily inconvenience others unfairly or cause harm.
  6. It demands consistency and consciousness; it is a deliberate process that one must be aware of. Keep asking yourself; what is the contribution of what am doing on my work life balance.
  7. Learn to say NO/ YES…avoid sitting on the fence on every issue. Respect the power of NOW. Do what you ought to do now; if not actual doing, plan for it.
  8. It is all about QUALITY not QUANTITY; giving quality time is far much better than giving all your time with zero reliability levels
  9. Work life balance is a state of mind; it is not something that can be measured on a scale; that is why for many people, they find it difficult to rate themselves. It is not about how many things you do in a day but how you, and others connected with you gain from what you have done.
  10. Everything work-life balance must add up and fit in the equation of EXCELLENCE. Give it your all and always be at your best. In that you achieve the balance every day, every time.

Further Reading can be accessed in ‘THE CAREER DECODER‘ book by Samuel Kanja on 0729 368 307.

By Samuel Kanja

Life Coach, Trainer & Author

Now, Know Your Value ,Be you - Ultimate Excellence

Now, Know Your Value

Now, Know Your Value and The Risk of Self-pity and self-disapproval

These two end up killing both the body and the soul. Many people, especially the youth refuse to accept themselves, accept their parents, their learning institutions and even their friends. They never appreciate what is within their life. They don’t value themselves. They don’t value those around them. They end up having life without value.

When one fails to have self-esteem that he can make it, then he will be reluctant to try out anything because of the fear of failing. These kinds of people have already fixed their destiny; they have already concluded who they are even before they know who they are. They take all that is good in themselves and in others foNow, Know Your Value - Ultimate Excellencer granted. Ignorance makes them feel useless and empty.

Most of the people who have succeeded in life and those who can be called men and women of value are full of self-respect. They are not moved by mistreatment, not configured by their environment and they are always optimistic. It is a reality that if you think you can, you will surely manage but if you think you can’t then you will certainly not make anything out of yourself.

Love for yourself, should not depend on what you have or what you don’t have because it is purely unconditional. Unless you learn to be contented in life and being happy and joyful in what your life offers as you cultivate for more, you will always have a mood of contempt and hatred towards your own life.

Now, Know Your Value and create happiness; you don’t buy it

Remember that only God, is above you when it comes to the control of your life. People may not be willing to share their happiness with you, but God will position you where you will have it in abundance. Happiness is not found, it is created! You have to Now, Know Your Value and create yours.

Happiness is not absence of tribulations and horrible things in life; it is when you love yourself and trust that God has you in His hands-You are in His program.No one is in charge of your happiness except you. Be happy about your life and rejoice that you have a great future to experience; otherwise no one is interesteNow, Know Your Value, happiness- Ultimate Excellenced in that.

Material happiness is just like a filthy, polluted river because it is a mere reflection of the TRUE happiness in the spiritual world. We can never achieve the happiness we are looking for no matter how hard we endeavor in material life. Instead we should look upwards, toward God, who is the source of real happiness, and stop chasing after the reflection of this happiness in the material world. This spiritual happiness is the only thing that can satisfy us completely.

Storm Jameson once said “Happiness comes from the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life and to be needed. The way to happiness is to keep your heart free from hate and your mind from worry”. Live simply, expect little, and give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self, think of others. Do things the way they should be done. As the golden rule goes: Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Show respect to those who deserve and to those who don’t deserve, it from you-this makes the difference. Happiness is born when a difference is made.

Excerpt from Fashioned for Life by Samuel Kanja , Trainer,Life Coach & Author

Irresistible Relationship Advice - Ultimate Excellence

Irresistible Relationship Advice

Irresistible Relationship Advice number is, Stand strong on your own, first.

If your happiness is dependent on the constant validation and approval of your partner, then you are giving away far too much of your power.  It’s human nature to want to be loved and admired, to want to be included, but it’s damaging to your self-esteem and emotional strength if it’s something you have to constantly beg for.

Another key Irresistible Relationship Advice is to nurture your own inner strength, then bring it into your relationship.

Think of your relationship as a home you live in.  Whether you like your home or not doesn’t depend on how the furniture is arranged—it’s how you arrange your mind.  You have to decide to love yourself in it, and then radiate this inner love outward.

All the love and validation you need is yours to give yourself.  So the next time you feel pressured to be a people-pleaser, try taking a deep breath and reminding yourself that you don’t owe anyone your constant justification—not even your partner.  Revel in the reality that you get to choose.  You have the authority to decide how to spend your time and energy.  And here’s the real beauty of it: when you don’t owe anyone anything—when you’re self-reliant—you’re free to give and receive love from the heart, without baggage.

Come from this place of wholeness, of inner strength and independence, and then love your partner.  Not because you need them to love you back, not because you’re desperate to be needed, but because loving them is a miraculous thing to do.

  1. Maintain a solid foundation of mutual acceptance.

Above all, acceptance means two people agree to disagree with each other on some things, and they’re perfectly okay with it.  Differences of opinion, even major ones, don’t destroy relationships—it’s how people in a relationship deal with their inevitable differences that counts.

Some couples waste years trying to change each other’s minds, but this can’t always be done, because many of their disagreements are rooted in fundamental differences in how they see the world and themselves.  By fighting over these deep-seated differences, all they succeed in doing is wasting their time and running their relationship into the ground.

So how do truly loving couples cope with disagreements that can’t be resolved?  They accept one another as is—they understand that problems are an inevitable part of any long-term relationship, in the same way chronic physical difficulties are inevitable as we grow older and wiser.  These problems are like a weak knee or a bad back—we may not want these problems, but we’re able to cope with them, to avoid situations that irritate them, and to develop strategies that help us ease the pain.  When choosing a long-term partner, you will inevitably be choosing a particular set of unsolvable problems that you’ll be grappling with for the next 10, 20 or 50 years.  And in many ways, that’s a truly beautiful thing.Irresistible Relationship Advice - Ultimate Excellence

So just remember that the foundation of love is to let those we care about be unapologetically themselves, and not distort them to fit our own egotistical ideas of who they should be.  And no, you won’t always see things eye to eye, and that’s OK.  Sometimes you just need to choose to be wrong, not because we really are wrong, but because you value your relationship more than your pride.

  1. Be intentional and fully present when communicating.

Your partner is not a mind reader.  Share your thoughts openly.  Give them the information they need rather than expecting them to know it all.  The more that remains unspoken, the greater the risk for problems.  Start communicating clearly.  Don’t try to read their mind, and don’t make them try to read yours.  Most problems, big and small, within a relationship start with broken communication.

Also, don’t listen so you can reply—listen to understand.  Open your ears and mind to your partner’s concerns and opinions without judgment.  Look at things from their perspective as well as your own.  Try to put yourself in their shoes.  Even if you don’t understand exactly where they’re coming from, you can still respect them.  You can still put your phone away, turn your body toward them, and look them squarely in the eyes.  Doing so demonstrates that you actually want to communicate and hear what they have to say.  This reinforces the sort of supportive environment that’s crucial for the growth of love and respect in any relationship.

  1. Face disagreements openly and with positive language.

When disagreements in a relationship arise, the easiest thing to do is to run away, especially if you’re not a confrontational person by nature.  But you have to catch yourself, because this isn’t just about you and whether or not you feel like dealing with your differences.  It’s about what your relationship needs in order to grow and thrive in the long run.  You have to put your relationship’s needs ahead of your own sometimes.  Both people must be committed to dealing with disagreements openly, because running from them will only make matters more difficult to deal with down the road.

On the flip side of running away, you also have to be mindful of how easily a disagreement can snowball into global attacks on your partner, and not on their decisions or behavior.  For example: “They didn’t call me when they said they would because they forgot, but because they’re a horrible, wretched, evil person.”  The difference is easy to discern, right?  So, let’s take a deep breath when we need one, so we can deal with the reality we’re actually facing.

One of the most simple and effective tools people in relationships can use to ease the process of dealing with disagreements is using positive language.  Irresistible Relationship Advice is that Relationships flourish when two people are able to share their innermost feelings and thoughts in a positive way.  An effective method of doing this during a disagreement is to do your best to avoid using the word “you” and try to use the word “I” instead.  This makes it much easier to express your true feelings while avoiding the possibility of verbally attacking the other person.  So instead of saying, “You are wrong,” try saying, “I don’t understand.”  Instead of telling them, “You always . . .” try saying, “I often feel . . .”  It’s a subtle shift that can make a big difference.

  1. Let each other save face.

My grandmother once told me, “When someone you love backs themselves into a corner, look the other way until they get themselves out, and then act as though it never happened.”  Allowing someone to save face in this way, and not reminding them of what they already know is not their most intelligent behavior, is an act of great kindness.  This is possible when you realize that people typically behave in such ways because they are suffering momentarily.  They react to their own thoughts and feelings, and their behavior often has nothing to do with you.

We all have unreasonable mood swings sometimes.  We all have bad days.  Giving your partner the space to save face, and not taking things personally when they’re occasionally upset, cranky, or having a bad day, is a priceless gift.  Even if you are unquestionably right and they are unquestionably wrong, when emotions are flying high and you force them to lose face, you’re simply bruising their heart and ego.  You’re accomplishing nothing but diminishing their worth in their own eyes.

So just do your best to let them preserve their dignity when it makes sense.  Give them space, let the emotions settle, and then have a rational conversation using the positive communication tactics discussed in the previous point.

  1. Seek, support, and accept personal growth in each other’s lives.

You know how to tell if something is alive and well?  You look for evidence of growth.

Healthy lifelong relationships contain two people who are committed to lifelong learning and growth.  They’re curious about things.  They’re keen to learn from the world and from each other.  And because of their love for learning, they afford each other the freedom to develop as individuals within the relationship.

Throughout a decade of coaching our students and our Think Better, Live Better conference attendees, we have seen many unhappy relationships that were caused primarily by one or both people being stubbornly clingy.  In a nutshell, these “stubbornly clingy” people didn’t want their friends or partners to change.  But here’s the simple truth: change is a part of the universe, and human beings are no exception.  If you want to have a successful relationship, you’ve got to embrace personal growth with open arms, and all the changes that come with it, another great Irresistible Relationship Advice here.

  1. Let love be a daily practice.

This final point encompasses the previous six, and then some.  In a healthy long-term relationship, two people love each other more than they need each other.  Because of this, the relationship itself becomes a safe haven to practice love.  And love, ultimately, is a practice—a daily rehearsal of honesty, presence, communication, acceptance, forgiveness, and heartfelt patience.

Sadly, too often we forget the practicing part and we default instead to treating love like it’s a guaranteed destination we can jump to whenever we have time.  We want to arrive at that “perfect” loving feeling in a relationship without putting in the work.  And when it doesn’t work out that way, we assume the relationship itself is broken.  But this is missing the whole point of a relationship—and the whole point of love.

Again, love is a practice.  It’s showing up for all the unexpected and inconvenient moments of a relationship, taking a deep breath, and asking yourself, “What part of love needs to be practiced here?”  The answer will vary from one encounter to the next, in a continuous stream of tenderness, affection, and wisdom you could never have dreamed of or perfectly planned for upfront.

By Life Coach,  Marc and Angel

The Golden Questions of Life - Ultimate Excellence

The Golden Questions of Life

Fashioned for Life Book Cover Fashioned for Life
Neno Publishers
Auditing Your Life Account
The Question Of Life

The Golden Questions of Life

When you answer the questions of life; Who you are? What you are? Why you are? Which you are? When you are? Where you are? And how you are? Then you will have fulfilled your responsibility as an auditor.

One of The Golden Questions of Life is – Who you are?

This question expects you to clearly find out what gives you that identity that people use to refer to you. It is what gives you identification as a person without referring to other people or being compared with them. Your name is part of the answer.

What you are?

Remember, worth and value are not wrapped up in what you do. You are not a human doing. You are a human being. It is not what we do in life that sustains our value and status but it is what we remain or become under severe and challenging circumstances.

Here you are required to know ‘what is that special thing that makes you unique among other creatures? ‘The rational nature of human beings which makes them think is what is expected to be identified. The idea of common sense will feature out. By knowing what you are, you will be driven towards thinking like a human being and you will avoid some character which doesn’t fit in what you are.

Everyone should look back and evaluate what has happened. As you make plans to be a better person, don’t be too excited to forget that no one should live by the early bird policy without finding out whether he classifies as a bird or a worm. Knowing if you are a bird or a worm is what makes the difference. This will create balance between your past and your future.

Why you are?

This is the most noble and essential question you can ever ask yourself. In an earlier chapter, we talked about ones definite purpose. Knowing the reason behind your life is all what you need to understand in this case. You must clearly outline what you want to accomplish by the time you finish your race on earth. You must know the type of race you are undertaking. The God-given purpose should be in your heart for reference whenever you want to do something.

Which you are?

It is always common that many people would be confused with others because of their physical appearance, character, personality and other factors. In the same way, if you don’t do things in your uniqueness, originality and you copy what others are doing, you may be unlucky to be confused with others because The Golden Questions of Life - Ultimate Excellencethere is no difference between your life and theirs. Your life should never be identical to others because you are specifically created for defined reasons. You should therefore know which kind of a person you are among others. Do things in such a manner that you will be easily distinguished from others.

When you are?

Many times, we fail to behave according to what we believe, our principle, and the morality because we are in different times. Some people would be in the camp of God during the day but at night, they run to the other side for ‘security’. Others would be religious on Sundays and during retreats but after that, in their homes, workplaces and other social gatherings during the weekdays, they can be confused with the devil himself. You should be the same person at all times if you want to please God. What makes you change with time like the moon? Learn to do good in all times and your greatness will last forever.

Where you are?

The place where we are at different times affects our life in the manner that we behave according to where we are. People will be very good when they are in the church, with their families, with casual friends and with other kinds of people. They dramatically become worse when they change the environment. Most people are affected by what surrounds them, their character and life in general is dependent on who is looking at them. They forget that wherever they are, God’s presence is not limited. You should always avoid being a totally different person when you move from one place to another. Your life should be independent of what is in your vicinity especially if there is no positive gain to it. Why should you change your ways, just because, what is around you has changed like a chameleon?

How you are?

This is an interesting and intelligent question in life. The formation, growth and nourishment of your life starts with this question. You must clearly know how your life is so that you get to know what step to take, which direction to move and what you need to move on. The more you answer this question frequently, the more your life improves. You need to understand all that your life entails. By doing this, you will know where you have been strong, and how you can even improve more. You also get to know your weak points and you can correct the mistakes before the consequences can erupt. Make sure the answer to this question is followed by ‘SO WHAT?’ Don’t just answer the ‘how’; know what to do after that. Devise new ways to avoid the same results you have been getting. Your life would not mind if you adopt a new style!

The Golden Questions of Life are personal questions which only an individual can answer. The answers to these questions can change your life from a miserable state to a life full of true happiness, prosperity, greatness and Gods favor. Don’t let ignorance snatch this opportunity to revise the syllabus of your life. It may be the only one in store for you. Making a difference depends on us. It involves a conscious decision to do something positive and constructive with our lives. And that decision requires knowledge of self. To arrive at that knowledge we have to ask other examples of the golden questions of life as: What are my abilities? What are my interests? What are my basic beliefs? Who, really, am I? Why am I here?

By Samuel Kanja

Excerpt from his book, Fashioned for Life

Be in Control of Your Belief System

Be in Control of Your Belief System, You must think Right!

When you hear of tribalism, nepotism, denominational differences and other social groupings, all what brings them is attitude which gives birth to generalization. Generalization just assumes that person A and B are the same just because they share a certain quality or characteristics? It ignores the differences among people and fails to recognize that some are better than others. The rule of life is always “NEVER GENERALIZE”.

With this ruBe in Control of Your Belief Systemle, you will be prudent enough to put a line between two different people or situations without bias. Your mind will be free to think rationally and logically. If you love greatness, then do not restrict your thinking by establishing rigid patterns.

“Do not divide others into “winners” and “losers,” but accept people for who they are as individuals not as a group.“ If you look at zero, you see nothing; but look through it and you will see the world.”

– Robert Kaplan

Never think about people the way others do. Don’t label them in the way society has done. Think about them the way morality and law of God expects you to. Why should the poor be thought to be lazy, desperate, unhappy, evil and unworthy? Not all poor people would fit in all these categories. Again, why should the rich and politicians be thought as corrupt, mean, proud, inhuman, unkind, selfish, carefree and evil doers? This is a mortal wrong in the eyes of God and also in the eyes of men. Even if we use all the practical experiences and cases we ever witnessed to justify these categories, we will still be wrong!

…It is very unfortunate that our country is full of stereotypes which have labeled some people with negative character. There is no exemption; all are treated in the same way by the public. The attitude of the public towards them has been of negative impact on the lives of those specific groups. It is always fair to analyze individuals and make your sound judgment of who they are.

To completely be in control of your belief system we have to allow our belief systems  to be refreshed and formulated again. We should use well defined value system to value people instead of their personality. Unless, we let our mind weigh the bold beauty of people, we will find them irrelevant in life. You will outline how they can impact your life and how you can relate with them. It is very unfair to use a small number of people to conclude that whatever they do or believe applies to all other people belonging to the larger group. This is in fact a sin.

(Excerpt from Fashioned for Life by Samuel Kanja)