Work-life balance can be seen as an optimal integration of various life aspects in anticipation of getting the best out of an individual’s engagement. It has a way of determining the productivity, morale and satisfaction levels.
- Work life balance should actually be referred to as work-life equilibrium or work-life harmony
- Work is part of life and life has many other components such as family, talents, leisure, investments, spirituality, relationships etc. Having a priority list of these component is the first step towards having a sense of work-life balance
- Work-life balance starts with self -awareness around ones ability, value system and belief system.
- Value system in this context means: what is this that gives you genuine satisfaction and defines your success. On this, one must honest and very honest.
- Work life balance is not only beneficial to employees; it does good to both employer and employees.
10 Basic Principles about Work-Life Balance:
- It is personal; it is only an individual who can access themselves and conclude if they have a balance or not
- It is a moving target; it keeps changing in form and in nature. It is always work in progress. It cannot be achieved in an event. It is a PROCESS.
- It starts with knowing what one needs, wants and what they value. The balance is all about creating quality time for what one ought to do or loves doing or others expects them to do..and having the feeling of attainment.
- It obeys very few rules but feeds on beliefs. It is not about setting strict rules, schedules and timelines; it is all about being a lifestyle that one does not struggle to live in. Once in a while, flexibility should substitute strictness. Entertain an overlap of events; do not live life in very disintegrated stages where you choose to do one thing and not any other; you may loose on one and that may be irreversible. Balance is key.
- It thrives on objectivity; ensure that you are real, you care for others, you know the consequences of your actions and avoid retrogressive unconscious bias in your actions. Ensure that your state of work life balance does not unnecessarily inconvenience others unfairly or cause harm.
- It demands consistency and consciousness; it is a deliberate process that one must be aware of. Keep asking yourself; what is the contribution of what am doing on my work life balance.
- Learn to say NO/ YES…avoid sitting on the fence on every issue. Respect the power of NOW. Do what you ought to do now; if not actual doing, plan for it.
- It is all about QUALITY not QUANTITY; giving quality time is far much better than giving all your time with zero reliability levels
- Work life balance is a state of mind; it is not something that can be measured on a scale; that is why for many people, they find it difficult to rate themselves. It is not about how many things you do in a day but how you, and others connected with you gain from what you have done.
- Everything work-life balance must add up and fit in the equation of EXCELLENCE. Give it your all and always be at your best. In that you achieve the balance every day, every time.
Further Reading can be accessed in ‘THE CAREER DECODER‘ book by Samuel Kanja on 0729 368 307.
Life Coach, Trainer & Author