Entries by Samuel Kanja


WORK-LIFE BALANCE Work-life balance can be seen as an optimal integration of various life aspects in anticipation of getting the best out of an individual’s engagement.  It has a way of determining the productivity, morale and satisfaction levels. Work life balance should actually be referred to as work-life equilibrium or work-life harmony Work is part […]


Lest we Forget, There are Widening Disparities and Inequalities between Private and Public Schools Is the FREE Primary Education, FPE providing results commensurate to the resources invested in the national exams? With the 2018 registering the highest number of candidates in the last decade, did the government increase the resources to cater for this increase? […]

Now, Know Your Value

Now, Know Your Value and The Risk of Self-pity and self-disapproval These two end up killing both the body and the soul. Many people, especially the youth refuse to accept themselves, accept their parents, their learning institutions and even their friends. They never appreciate what is within their life. They don’t value themselves. They don’t […]

The Golden Questions of Life

Fashioned for Life Book Cover

Fashioned for Life


Neno Publishers


Auditing Your Life Account

The Question Of Life

Title: Fashioned for Life Genre: Motivational Publisher: Neno Publishers Release Date: 2012 Chapter: Auditing Your Life Account Sub topic: The Question Of Life The Golden Questions of Life When you answer the questions of life; Who you are? What you are? Why you are? Which you are? When you are? Where you are? And how […]

The Hard Beautiful Lessons of Life

The Hard Beautiful Lessons of Life Learning only makes life more tolerable! Unless we learn some the hard beautiful lessons of life, we might remain ignorant and always in perpetual conflicts. Co-existing with people and managing things is not among the easiest of tasks. Also, it is not an art or a science that we can learn […]