Work Life Equilibrium
Are employees Really “Living”?
Work Life Equilibrium is really wanting as people seek employment to improve their lives. Unfortunately, many compromise themselves, thereby failing to focus on life in its broader sense. Job is just one aspect of life, SAMUEL KANJA lays it bare.
I take this opportunity to address critical issues, which need to be addressed and internalized by critical minds, which are open to reality. You are living for a purpose and your purpose is defined. You have what it takes to move your life not only to the next level but also to the highest level possible! Everything that happens in life is part of life but it’s not life itself. Education is part of life. Your family and friends are part of your life and your job is…. also part of your life.
One mistake that most of us make and fail to learn from is thinking that our lives are part of our job. It may look off the line but that’s how most of us look at it. We have a duty to be diligent and vibrant at the workplace at all times because we are ultimately serving people, but this should not be an excuse to forget that we will not live forever.
Don’t start living when you retire because you might not have all the time to see the essence and sense of life! Life is not defined by the work you do but why you do it! Work is not measured by the coins that end up in your bank account at the end of the month but by the value it adds to your life. What remains after you stop working is the true image of what you were doing.
Have you ever thought of being an employer? Certainly! I sincerely hope that you are concerned about what you do in life as this can enable you to work excellently for your company/employer and even more importantly, position yourself in a way that allows you to spot and take advantage of opportunities which seem small when coming and mighty when vanishing. Your life should be your top priority since your job will be more fulfilling when you understand where it is in the list of what matters.
We should ask ourselves this question:”If there were no money in life such that I had all I needed, what would I do with my life?” Many people are driven by what they get out of their jobs but fail to think deeply about how that job makes their lives better and more meaningful. I have come to realize that in most cases, our job /career path conflicts with our talent(s), gifts or abilities and in this competitive world, we do not want to take the time to think about what we can do best – we instead only find time just to think about what we are doing and not what we can do. I have met very few people who are worried by their stagnated talents but I have come across thousands who are worried about their jobs and careers. People must work and people must live! Your life is too precious and excessively broad to be occupied by just your job.
Take charge of your life! and desire to achieve work life equilibrium. Be the master of what you do rather than a victim of what society thinks you should do. One of the biggest challenges for any employee is to know why they are working and understand how their job blends in with their lives. The fact is it is a journey that never comes to an end but it has different degrees of success. Work can never be equated with life.
Life is beyond comparison with any component of it including family, relationships, careers, spirituality etc. All these are just small portions of life; variables in a infinite equation i.e. if Life equation is as follows, Y= X1+X2+X3+X4……..Xn ,then work is just that X1 and then it would be impossible to say that Y=X1 unless all other variables are Zeros. We need to balance our lives as it depends on so many factors and all are important for it to make a logical sense. Life can be compared to the body. 1 Cor 12:14, 17, 21, 26 says, “For the body itself is not made up of one part, but many parts. If the whole body was just an eye, how could it hear? And if it was only an ear, how could it smell? So then, the eye cannot say to the hand I don’t need you. If one part of the body suffers, all the other parts suffer with it; if one part is praised all the other parts share its happiness.”
A person may live without work but you will never find a person working without life. Most people are struggling with life not because they have fewer hours or more work to do but because they are not alert of how life is. Life is not work. You can have people living without work but you will never see a person working without life. That’s so obvious when said but not so when thought about. Work is divine.
All the same, it can be expensive if we lose all our earning on lifestyle diseases. It does not add value to life either, if glorifying our occupation will make us lose our children to immorality. The saddest thing is when families break up and down just because we didn’t give them time when they needed us most. What do we gain if we own all the money in the bank and lose something that does not even have a price-tag? Love your Job! Embrace Your Job! BUT REMEMBER to Love your life and Live it. Work is not measured by what we earn, but by the value it adds to our life.