Life can be confusing and tasteless and in many circumstances, we feel we are experiencing the worst and having the least. What can really make the difference? Your life is not poisoned. It’s not a curse! It’s not a punishment. If you knew that you are the greatest gift and blessing the world could get from God, you would sincerely love your life, live it proudly and avoid embarrassments by embracing all circumstances. God is neither a fool nor a liar! He keeps his promises of greatness and only his grace can make the difference. His grace calls for our co-operation and commitment. God has your story written down and his favor follows you wherever you go because no one deserves his goodness.
Fashioned for Life is a voice to all and is intended to equip you with pillars of life which are taken for granted but they can make your life stand out regardless of what comes your way. The world has conditioned us through its systems but we cannot remain slaves when freedom is with us and within us. It is a crusade of acknowledging that life is a gift-precious and marvelous. This book will enable you to be concerned with what can be and not what is. It provides a platform of valuing your life and trusting that you can manage it to get the best that God puts in you. By carefully reading this book, you will have an opportunity to be reunited with your life, restored, contented and then stepping forward towards greatness.
Fashioned for Life has what it takes to refresh your life and makes you see a new dawn of your life by having faith that you can be taken from a pit to the palace like Joseph. Unless we understand the basics of life, it will always be hard to appreciate it. Life was meant to be fulfilling and a series of moments of experiencing God’s goodness. However, people have changed its definition through disbelief and loss of hope at early stages or doing nothing and expecting the best. You have God’s signature and approval and you don’t have to fear the world of uncertainties if you only trust in God and be in action.
The principles that this book will propagate include but are not limited to the following:
• Being in touch with your purpose
• Creating quality space for God and people in your life
• Having conducive attitudes and knowing your territory
• Following the right paths and greater principles
• Knowing the wells of life and being positioned
• Seeing life as a blessing and loving it
• Expecting the best and never giving up no matter what!
• Understanding God’s Law of “Nothing is impossible”
It’s my wish that Fashioned for Life will replenish your mind with winning thoughts and help you recalculate your dreams, re-energize your strategies and give you a new look. As you read this book, remember that God loves to be a magnifier and multiplier. That’s why he created only a man and a woman but expected them to fill the earth. Let’s all bring our efforts, lives and dreams to God so that he can refine them with greatness. The writing of this book began in my mind in the early days of my youth. I have been having experiences in my own life, and from other people, especially fellow youths, parents, friends, employees, and my fellow Christians. They have watered this idea to this point of germination. Most people are living in their own world, full of desperation, discouragements, self-hatred, solitude, misery, and irresponsible living for paltry reasons.
Most people are not in good terms with their lives; they have surrendered to what the world dictates. On the contrary, those who are having joy in their life have failed to significantly impact on the jeopardized lives of others .I believe that life was, is and will always be meant to be good for all. Let us all crawl, walk, and run to our destiny! I hope that this book will bless all those who will read it and the message of hope channeled to all those who need it at the right time before all gets lost. Better light a candle than curse darkness.
I recommend this book to every person who seeks to get more out of their life by changing their perspective on life.