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” The book, The Ultimate Recipe for a wholesome Student, is a real inspiration to me, a new teacher in the school you gave a motivational talk during the prize giving. The Form Three class students had lost focus and value for education but now I am able to counsel then using the great ideas in your book”
Fashioned for Life offers a NO QUIT MENTALITY that brings you the joy of being hopeful and positive at all times. Every man in possession of a good fortune in life, must let God and let go off all that brings him down. If God has not given up on you, why should you be unfair to your life by losing the seeds of hope?
The Ultimate Recipe for a Wholesome Student is a must read for every student and stakeholders in the education sector. As an educationist, I am convinced that this book is truly a recipe that has potential to bring the best out of every student. Through his life’s example, the author has demonstrated that humble beginnings are no barrier if one is willing to work hard and make the most of every… Read more
“I have read your book, Fashioned for Life. What an Inspiration. I never knew the there were some hidden things in me that I have to unveil till when I got hold of this book, a very important asset to me. I am encouraged to know that God knows me”
“Samuel Kanja has explicitly shown his uniqueness by openly expressing his great passion for inspiring other people. In my encounter with him, I have never heard him being negative about life. He is a great motivational speaker and a peer counselor. His talent has come out naturally and powerfully, this is evident in the different sessions he has conducted in many schools, colleges, youth groups … Read more
“Are you feeling spiritually or psychologically overwhelmed by problems? Are you a slave of discouragements? Then this book is fashioned for you! The author uses anecdotes and perfect tips from the bible with well-meditated advice that give lasting nourishment to all.”
Fashioned for Life is a must have and a must read! This is a deeply inspirational and motivating piece of work. Knowing who you are and why you are here for is the most fundamental principles in one’s life. Kanja does not miss a mark on this thus making it a full guide to understanding oneself. I was inspired and moved by the richness of this book, why not you?
“As portrayed in this awesome and highly inspirational book, Fashioned for Life, God graciously grants us life, to not only experience the whole specter of feeling and gratification it presents everyday but also surmise to say that we continuously strive to live through him and in him.”
Samuel Kanja delivered an interactive session at my Alma Mater in January 2015. Kanja personal story of triumph over adversity and never ending improvement was the perfect motivation for the students. His uncompromising and passionate focus on achievement makes you want to get up and ”JUST DO IT!”
Spellbound,entertained and inspired are just a few words that come to my mind when thinking of Samuel who is very genuine and brings a lot of realism and practical thinking to his work.I am confident that those who apply his experience based tips will improve their performance.I would encourage any organization to enroll him.